Sporting Groups

Crystal Brook Junior Basketball Club


Registrations open late September and season runs October – March. All players and abilities welcome from primary school aged to seniors.

2 Eyre Road, Crystal Brook


General enquiries contact Secretary: Phillip Perry
Phone: 0417 803 642
Club hire/bookings contact: Geoff Young
Phone: 0428 362 039

Season – October to March
Men’s Pennant – Wednesday 1.30pm
Ladies Pennant – Thursday 9.30am
Saturday Open Pennant – Saturday 1.30pm
Night Owls – February

Eyre Road, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Erica Young
Phone: 0429 679 245

Crystal Brook Community Recreation Centre,
Kendrew Terrace, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Carla Hook
Phone: 0417 081 318

Contact: Rebecca Smith
Phone: 0417 855 606


The CBFC is a Community Fitness Centre.
Instructor run classes available on Mon 9am/6pm, Wed 9am/6pm, Thurs 9am and Fri 9am.
Class price $5 members/$10 non members.
24 hour access available to Members.

PO Box 95, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Jacinta Huxtable
Phone: 0419 810 369


Crystal Brook Football Club provides AFL football during the cooler months at various Northern Areas towns. We cater for player ages 7 and up to play and girls up to the age of 14 are welcome.

Over the warmer months (February & March) we offer a female only AFL football competition with teams from Port Augusta, Port Pirie and other regional towns included.

Our facilities are for hire should you require a venue for a function.

657 Hughes Gap Road, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Mary Jared
Phone: 0427 684 047


Club hire/bookings please contact Mary Jared.
General enquiries contact Secretary Scott Bowman

Ladies competition – Thursday 9am
Social men’s 9 hole competition – Thursday 1.30pm
Men’s competition – Saturday 11.30am

Open for meals the last Friday of the month from 6pm.

Edmund Terrace, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Ali Gulin
Phone: 0407 308 571


The Crystal Brook Hockey Club was established in 1910. We still maintain a strong and proud presence in the Port Pirie & District Hockey Association. The “Brookies” have showcased many state players and premiership teams in our 112 year history.

55 Brook Lane, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Mark Phillips
Phone: 0410 488 394


PO Box 203, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Kim Allen
Phone: 0400 067 586


PO Box 137, Mais Terrace, Crystal Brook SA

Contact: Debbie Smart
Phone: 0429 363 003


Meetings: Monthly, second Monday, September to April.

Note: A Registration Day will be held in November to welcome new members and provide information regarding upcoming season.

Services: Swimming coaching for Friday night interclub meets and statewide Open Carnivals.

Contact: Meagan Venning
Phone: 0428 859 199
